Over the past 45 years Linda Wolf has lived and traveled world-wide as a photographer. Since 2006, she's focused particularly on women with the song, Full Woman, by Rachel Bagby, inspiring her. Her work celebrates the inherent dignity of all women—inclusive of culture, race, color, shape, size, age, religious affiliation, spiritual belief, sexual orientation, abilities, and life experience. Her images celebrate the strengths that make each woman a full woman—to be valued and respected simply as women: resilience, heart, wisdom, intelligence, compassion, experience, intuition, beauty, love. Mostly contemporary, the images were taken in China, Thailand, India, Mexico, Guatemala, the USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, Iran, and Israel/Palestine. I am a Full Woman is decided to the girls and women of the world, to remind ourselves that we are enough. And to boys and men, may we all get beyond the Gender Boxes and step into our wholeness, in this awesome time of dire beauty.

“Full Woman,” the song that inspired this video, was graciously donated for use by the composer, Rachel Bagby. For more info about the amazing dream that gave birth to “Full Woman” go to ez.com/fullwoman

This video was produced, directed, photographed, and edited by Linda Wolf with assistance from people all over the world, and sponsored by the Daughters Sisters Project—a program of the nonprofit organization Teen Talking Circles—thanks to generous gifts from friends and supporters. The mission of Teen Talking Circles is to provide "a safe space for young people to tell the truth and practice compassionate listening." For more information go to daughters-sisters.org.

THE CARAVAN: November 2018, as The Caravan recuperated in Mexico City. Music by Las Cafeteras

In 2018, people were part of migrant caravans to leave Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador by foot to seek asylum in the United States. These photos are part of the caravan which reached Mexico City, prior to setting off for the border at Tijuana, where they were met with Tear Gas by US border patrols at the order of the president of the United States, at that time. Many people left their children behind, hoping to reach the US and send for them later. In the photo above, Sophia (named changed) shared a photo of her son, left with her mother. Sophia was pregnant, and admitted into the US, where she gave birth to a baby daughter. Her husband, later, also got in. They are currently awaiting trial to receive refugee status.